Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Jamie Chilton

He liked that movie, Flubber,
A lot
He liked to say the word, flubber,
A lot
I never questioned him

I remember the bent basketball hoop
Just shooting hoops
Back and forth
Back when I pretended to care about sports
But actually enjoying myself
And we didn't say a word
But ten minutes in he'd say:

"I love that movie."

He liked that movie, Flubber,
A lot
He liked to say the word, flubber,
A lot
I never questioned him again

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heheh! it's brilliant!!

i also like your new quote in your profiley space about god and happiness!

too manye xclamation marks!!! oh my!!!

no seriously i like this though. the repetitoin works for it. i wish i KNEW about poetry, so i could REALLY give you feedback, but... yeah!