Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Movie Dialogue #19

“You know what? It’s not even that guy. Fuck that guy for sure… but it’s not even him. He’s just the asshole, the catalyst. That’s what they’re there for… But it’s not what kills me... What kills me is the old ladies that all look alike and all act alike and at one point you’re just like ‘oh, I just saw you a dozen times already today.' And they write their goddamn checks because they don’t grasp the concept of a debit card. ‘People that use credit cards don’t have money.’ A debit card is not a fucking credit card...! And I don’t even hate them. 90% of them are nice and smile and say thank you and say shit like ‘I really appreciate it’ because they think everyone complains to you. Everyone doesn’t. And it’s not just the old ladies, it’s the people that slide their cards wrong, or dig for change, or give you a thousand coupons, and they apologize, they are really truly fucking sorry about it too. But also it’s the fucking sports, it’s the fucking weather, it’s the bullshit... Oh and they’re nice too, usually... It’s just the job that’s a fucking joke. It’s the job. All it takes is the rare asshole to help you realize it. He’s the one that wakes you up. And you know what? I thank that guy. Because I kept telling everyone I was looking for something else, some beautiful job in the sky where I don’t have to deal with these boring fucking schmoes. But I’m not. I have nothing else and I don’t know how to get anything else. And you know what? I’ll probably just go home and cry and sleep and wait a week or two to get my ass out of bed and go look for an equivalent shit job. Because it’s all that I can get because it’s all that I’ve--- Anyway, thanks for being a friend here. But I doubt I’ll see you again. Nite.”

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