Monday, November 10, 2008

To Whom it May Concern,

I'm now taking a break from the whole poetry thing until further notice. Unless inspiration has some kind of ambush planned. Which it won't. I will eat my words if the time comes though.

*eats words*

Oh yeah. That's what I wanted to call a novel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sooo sorry I haven't reviewed anything in ages... In fact, it's been ages since we've even talked, that's sad :(

I know what you mean about the whole inspiration-gone thing... I can't even write for NaNo, much less come up with a poem. Maybe I should post an annoucnement like that. But since you're the only one who ever visited my page to begin with, I guess there's not much point now I've just told you :P

Soon, soonish, I shall go back and read your newer ones I haven't commentated yet. Right now though I have two papers to write :( Granted I probably will do everything but, but at least I'll be off the computer and my room will be a lot cleaner.

Cheerio, moppet!

idky I said that xD But moppet is a fun word!
