
I suppose people would like to know who I am?  Maybe?  No?  Well, I'll tell you anyway.  I am a mid-20s musician, writer, sometimes artist from Ohio, currently living in Georgia, that has a book out, and I have also self-released several albums of electronic music.  I'm currently working on a new album of minimal piano and electronic pieces, hoping to expand my sound eventually.  I'm also trying to figure out where to go with my next book.  I draw and paint on occasion.  A few of my influences include Cluster, Brian Eno, Tangerine Dream, Kate Bush, Scott Walker, David Bowie, Prince, Bukowski, Philip K. Dick, William S. Burroughs, Poe, Dali, Duchamp, Hokusai, De Chirico, etc.  Derive from those what you will.

You can contact me at

You can also follow my deviantart (poetry and some art), facebook, twitter, or myspace (I actually have music up on this one).

Thank you!