Friday, July 18, 2008

Middle Ground

How can I call you "friend"
When every single moment around you
Is a moment I can't get back

How can I call you "friend"
When you can't even understand the concept
Of variety
Thinking differently
That perhaps
Just maybe
Someone might think
In a completely opposite way

How can I call you foe either
When I know
You're not evil
You're harmless, more or less
And rather pathetic

Just like me, huh?
Some middle ground

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww. So sad...

I think the first stanza is my favorite. I actually had to think about the last line for a minute, then I got it. At least I think I got it.

The past couple days I haven't worked night shift... I get off work and it's still daylight. o.O And I'm actually expected to stay awake... WEIRD.

Further Hogfather references:

Albert: Well, that's life.
Death: ...BUT I'M NOT.


Wizard at the unseen university: I am not losing my hair! It's just very finely spaced!
